Liveblogging from FC2008

Posted in allies, conference, education, media, politics, privilege on November 14, 2008 by brownstocking

Yay! Okay, so I already cyberstalked Jill Tubman of Jack and Jill Politics. I’ve Tweeted Liza at Culture Kitchen. I can’t wait to figure out who else from my Bloglines list is here…

I’m now at the plenary about The Race Debates. We’re watching a video clip of all the talking heads who said, now that we have an African-American president, America is no longer racist, and we’re post-racial now. Terry Keleher is the Moderator.

We’re starting debate 1: Health Care Disparities. Interactive Section discussing opening comments. Totally confused. Amusing, but confusing. Anti-race speaker, Julianne Ong Hing, of Colorlines, correctly points out economic disparities in our capitalist society are a critical factor. Good answer…audience chuckles about “identity politics” smear…ultimately, “we have a choice in how we live.” Dominic’s (Dom Apollon, Ph.D., Applied Research Center) answer talks about healthcare disparities and misdiagnoses of treatments, and does address the economics, but talks more about lack of access/structural racism.


  • Julianne (concealing race) used race to put Dom on the defensive, with a moving personal anecdote
  • She used well-known stereotypes, and coded them, making it subtle
  • She pitted race against class, an effective argument
  • Dom (revealing race) was effective in revealing how the gov’t betrays POC, especially First Nations
  • He tried to avoid directly speaking to issue of race/calling out racism
  • While what he said was logical, there wasn’t the passion
  • He attempted to show patterns of racism; how do we do this, without getting reduced to academic jargon?

Tehcniques for Concealing Racism

  1. Denying & Exceptionalizing
  2. Coding & Scapegoating
  3. Deflecting & Confusing

Techniques for Revealing Racism

  1. Name It
  2. Frame It
  3. Explain It

Debate 2: Race Silence v. Race Explicit (this sounds sexy…hope my batter makes it!)

Can we address race using class or universal frames? Kalpana and Shannah will debate

Kalpana: we need to build the broadest coalition possible, let’s appeal to self-interest. Used Montana as example. Invoked Obama and “change.” Don’t move against public opinion.

Shannah: won’t go away by pretending it’s not there. Universal healthcare for kids gets chopped away by selecting out groups little by little. We cut out people by appealing to the majority. When we lead with grace, we expand the base. We need to speak on it to se who our allies are. It’s about playing offense.

This was spicy! In my group are (just from my visuals and member comments) two white women who were activists since the 60s, a 20ish Asian American woman, and this 30ish Black women

Kilpana’s rebuttal: “we’re on the same side.” “We didn’t do our jobs, if we lose our campaigns.” “poor people are sicker than  rich people”

Shannah: let’s think long-term, not short term. Refuse to let go of the racism. White people won’t think about racism unless they’re made to.


  • Kalpana was very charismatic and dangerous
  • Collette Kieth mentions, in Native American issues, how racism can shut down a conversation
  • Malkia Cyril brings up Prop 8 and the No on 8 campaigns, how relationships change
  • We need to consider what is lost when we give up conversations on race; just because we don’t talk about it, doesn’t mean it’s not at play

Wow, I think I’m on a high with this! Could be the bubble black tea, though. Can’t front.

Black Positivity playlist.

Posted in Uncategorized on June 2, 2020 by brownstocking

So Let's Talk About_____.

I talk about my struggles with clinical depression and anxiety because I think it’s important that we (especially Black men) have open conversations about mental health in order to normalize therapy and erase the stigma of admitting you don’t feel strong all the time. Given that, I’m not equipped to handle a constant stream of photos, videos, and updates about the protests and cops beating innocent people. Sometimes I disconnect, and sometimes I inject some levity into my online spaces because other people need to breathe too.

This is a pause from “coverage” because I love music and I made this playlist a few years ago during protests kicked off by the murder of another unarmed Black man (and I don’t even know which one specifically…because there are so many). These are songs that uplift me, bring me peace, or make me proud to be Black and feel connected to…

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Liar! Uncover the Truth walkthrough

Posted in Uncategorized on October 13, 2016 by brownstocking

new game, industrious gamer Annette andCo.

I wish this day would never end

Related posts:
Liar (main story) walkthrough
Liar Flirt Time walkthroughLiar (lovers route) walkthrough

Hello!! Sorry for being MIA for so long. Work threw me into overtime mode for several months, and now I’ve started school again and will start a new job soon… I’m a little pressed for time again, so I’ll have to redo this post later this week.

The new Voltage game Liar (Doubt in Japanese) came out today, which I’ve been looking forward to! When Doubt first came out, I was only able to play it for a few days because I was playing too many mobage (and I still am), so I had to sacrifice it, haha. Right now, I’m quite salty at Voltage for many reasons, including how they’re completely removing Gossip Girl from the servers, so there was a part of me that wanted to protest and not play Liar. But I really…

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Posted in Uncategorized on August 16, 2015 by brownstocking

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Sigh…entering the field of Otome reviews

Posted in Uncategorized on August 4, 2015 by brownstocking

Okay. I love otome games. I don’t know why, as an ardent womanist, I fixate on overly affectionate younger dudes or cold sadists who wear glasses, but it’s oh-so-delicious!

I first discovered otome by downloading two different types of games a few years ago. I downloaded “Bidding for Love” and “Enchanted in the Moonlight.” Bidding was so problematic but so intriguing, and the having-to-stop at 5 clicks was frustrating, but I hadn’t been addicted enough to start paying for tickets or charm, yet. Voltage got me pretty quickly because, hey! Spend 4 bucks and play the whole route! EZPZ.

When I found certain (rapey) storylines problematic, I searched the Web for like-minded people, but came up really short. So I put the games away for a while. I don’t know how I stumbled upon Otome Wendy, but I felt some relief at finding a reviewer who seemed to think similarly to me, and had a hella snarky sense of humor, to boot. I miss her.

So, I guess, as part of my “learning to write more” goal, I’m going to do a couple of walkthroughs and reviews.

Hip Hop Hoo…wait, what’d he say?

Posted in Uncategorized on May 9, 2015 by brownstocking

Damn, this was a read! And I want TFP to be my new BFF.


The Fairy Princess had a good day, thus far – her child has decided to become a “Potty Pirate‘!

Before he is 21 years old!


Parents of Toddlers will understand this.


But enough about poop – let’s talk about Mr. Eddie Huang.


TFP has been an active observer of Mr. Eddie Huang for a long time now – what with his book, his restaurant, and the television show that was inspired by his book.

The American Dream, right?

ABC kid moved from D.C. to Orlando, grows up in abusive household, identifies with Hip Hop music, goes to college,  becomes a Lawyer, stops being a lawyer, opens a restaurant, becomes famous chef, does food based shows, writes a book, book becomes TV show. There is even a clothing line in there somewhere.


Recently though, Mr. Eddie Huang seems to be in  the midst of self-imploding and

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I’m already over it

Posted in Uncategorized on January 8, 2015 by brownstocking

i don’t like living with her and i should have never told her about this place. she’s more judgmental and conservative than she thinks she is.

I am lost

Posted in Uncategorized on December 2, 2014 by brownstocking

I’m not asking for human help.

I’m simply crying out. I’m tired. I don’t want to be stuck anymore.

I want to get over this block.

I want rest. I want to not be sad. I want to not be angry. I want to fulfill the academic promise I know is within me.

I want rest. Rest that comes from completion.


Posted in Uncategorized on November 5, 2014 by brownstocking

i don’t know why i’m doing what i am. but i’ve cast the die. so i need to accept it.


welp. i am not sure what the lesson learned was, other than, maybe starting CBT again.

Day One, Class Two

Posted in Uncategorized on August 28, 2014 by brownstocking

I’m not in my comfort zone. I’m not in my comfort zone. Why are people in my space?

singlehandedly posted from WordPress for Android

I’m not a SBW

Posted in Uncategorized on August 9, 2014 by brownstocking

I get how damaging the Strong Black Woman myth is as I prepare to leave. Everything that is going wrong is my responsibility, and I should have planned better, and I should have had everything together and I’m selfish and I’ll be leaving my parents alone when I leave and all they’ll have is each other.

Note to self: stop talking mess about people’s husbands, even if they’re my father. I keep forgetting marriage comes first.


singlehandedly posted from WordPress for Android